October 02, 2009
It's Krrunch Time, Get Playful!
Hello to the one or two of you reading this traffic-less blog of mine. I know, I know..... It's been soooooooooooo long since I've last blogged but hey, I'm blogging now ain't I?
Maybe a coupla photos to show you what I've become.

Yeah new hair style aka the Chicken Little hairstyle. What's dangling off my ears you asked? It's one of my new ear rings I've made. Made from what? Make a guess. I'll give you another clue. :)

Get it now? Yes I know it looks familiar. I bet most of you Krrunch on it before while watching soccer matches........... Now imma piece the first two photos together. And so you'll get......

this. Still don't get it?

IT'S PRINGLES LA DODO BIRDS! I made the ear rings outta the can and the chips itself. This is what I do when I'm too bored at home. I had a Krrunch Time making them and this is my one and only Krrunch moment at home. :) The reason why I don't have a picture of myself and the Pringles can is because I cut it up to make the second set of ear rings before taking a picture with it. Right, go ahead and think I'm the dodo bird.
So after all the mess I've made with the can and the chips, you may think I'll have to clear them up. But fortunately, I do not. Because......

He's clearing it up for me. FOR ME! hehehe. :) Ok one last photo before I sign off.

A can of Pringles Originals, $2.80. A picture of Krrunching the Pringles chips with that expression...................... Priceless.
It's Krrunch Time, Get Playful! :)
Chor Lor-ed @ 10:27 PM
July 23, 2009
Wisdom tooth is totally not wisdomful. AT ALL.
Wisdom tooth is so not Wisdomful. In fact, it FUCKING PAINFUL!!!! I have this pair of wisdom tooth at my lower row of teeth. And they hurt when they want to. The gums around it totally split open when they decide to hurt. Like wtf. What have I done to deserve this? I don't know why but this time round it hurts super bad. It hurts when I'm eating, hurts when I'm sleeping. Aiyah! Just hurts when my upper jaw and lower jaw comes in contact la wtf. There's this one time I was thinking that I may have to sleep, eat, walk around with my mouth open. So it won't hurt. Had a fever yesterday (I think it results from the bloody wisdom tooth) and a not too bad sore throat.
Last coupla weeks had been a whirlwind for me. Damn frigging busy. Either meeting clients or liaising with current campaigns. And I have damn loads of proposals. BUT NO SALES! FTS! Does this mean that I can't sell? Huiwen was telling me, "Will close (deal) one, don't worry." But thing is, my last sales was a month ago. Now I'm getting nervous and stressed up. Ahhhhhhhhh!! And dear Ming had been looking forward to his Chauffeur Service already. :(
Damn I'm Kanchiong la. Period. One seriously bad habit of mine that I must get rid of. And quick. I'm learning along the way. I know I can sell. It's just that the results just aren't coming up yet. But eventually they will. I frigging will see to it that they will. Or else imma die terribly in Ming's hands. Just joking. *Pun intended Raine* :)
*Sorry no pics in this post. Not a picture blogger all along. Maybe that's why my hits are like toad shit.* :)
Chor Lor-ed @ 10:27 PM
July 03, 2009
I love being busy
I don't usually blog during work. I guess this is the exception. But I'm not exactly working la. In fact, I'm chilling at the Mac's in Peace Centre. Waiting to go off for my next meeting at Ubi Road. Yes FML. UBI ROAD?! And then there is this last minute meeting scheduled with an agency at 6.15pm. I seriously wonder how am i supposed to make my way from Ubi to Tanjong Pagar. But it keeps me busy and I love being busy. To me, being busy = business, which is currently my goal. I set myself a target of $XX,XXX sales within 6 months. And I wanna make sure that I hit it. I believe this is what keeps me alive afterall. Goals and my passion for this job.
He's on night shift today so I don't mind working late as long as the client wants to see me. :) I seriously shouldn't be using my laptop now. Cos I have half a bar left in the battery and its gotta survive 2 meetings later on. And this Macs has got no frigging power point. ARRGHH! But if I don't use the laptop what am I supposed to do.. Rot at Mac?
Haiz.. I don't know why I'm asking questions and answering them myself.
15 minutes left before I head off to Ubi.
Chor Lor-ed @ 2:57 PM
June 30, 2009
I love my Nuffies ;)
I didn't know I can be so happy with a simple dinner, a coupla rounds of Daytona and hilarious pool sessions with the Nuffies. I guess the rest must be happier than me, cuz apparently I'm their joke of the day. *Sighhh* I suck at pool.
Laughing till both my cheeks were numb and I find that surprisingly enjoyable. :)
Chor Lor-ed @ 12:04 AM
June 28, 2009
A simple Birthday Celebration
It had been quite some time since I've met up with my ex colleagues. I've left that job, but I definitely have not left my friends there. :) It was Selena's birthday last week so SHE decided to celebrate with a simple dinner at Breeks and KTV. Yes, SHE suggested KTV. In the end, she practiced for her Suduko Challenge while we sang the night away. Erm, actually they sang the night away cuz I was also watching most of the time. Mandarin songs are my achilles' heel. :)

Elaine took this picture of me in our new office (Oh! Did I mention we have a new office and a Nuffies corner? =D Pictures and all in my next post!) before I head off to Marina Square to meet the peeps. They kept saying I look super demure and so not me in this picture. I agree. But wth, even though I'm Miss Chor Lor, I deserve a good picture too right?!

Carmanza and I in our cam-whoring mood. I think the last time I saw her was a coupla months ago. Still same old same old, but she slimmed down! Even though I think she's skinny enough.. -.-"

Weng Wei and his girlfriend. I seriously take my hat off to those guys. They can sing like 4-5 songs continously. Ok la.. maybe I'm lousy. =(

Carmanza and her boyfriend.

Diana and I. She is the girl hired to replace the position I've emptied. Nice girl who only chatters when the topic "Robin" comes up. Wahahahahah!

Chi Keong in his super "tou ru" mood. LOL.

I feel so shuang when I finally lashed out at him after 2 months of not doing so. Whew. How I miss the days when we bicker every second. Hahahaha.

Missy and Marvin came after 2 hours into the KTV session due to her school. =) We never fail to have something to gossip about when we meet. Hahahaha.. Sua Ku sisters we called ourselves.

I feel like a light bulb here. **BRIGGHHHHHHTTTT*

My cam-whoring skills not bad okays.. 4 faces fit into the frame nicely. LOL. I guess i must have improved during my days in Nuffnang. :)

Just the ladies. Seriously I regretted so much in getting that shit ass job in Ameron. And these are the only people who makes me think twice about regretting. Glad I met these people. :) At least next time I'll have them to attend my wedding. =x
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Chor Lor-ed @ 9:49 PM
June 25, 2009
I can no longer watch commercials without thinking of work.
But I love my job. I think I'm gonna do great. Work smart, not work hard.
Chor Lor-ed @ 4:17 PM
June 09, 2009
Nuffies Trip to KL!
The last weekend was a blast. I've never enjoyed myself so much other than the part of missing my baby. I don't know if that's counted as a clubbing experience. If it does, then I can finally tell people who asked, that I've clubbed. Yes. Hooray. After like 21 years of life on this planet. Let the pictures speak for themselves! The theme for the Tiger Nuffnang party was "Standout". So the SG nuffies girls went to the party in our................................

PJs! Yawning right before the party starts.
I told myself and Elaine and Raine that I will not be drinking more than a bottle of beer. But as it turns out, I think I drank a little too much. But I don't really remember if I ever drank that much. But heck, I have my loves to take care of me. :)

We have 1000 bottles of Tiger Beer free flowed! So how can I miss it?

Cam-whoring in Nic's car on the way to HQnine. Nic's cam-whoring skills are superb i tell you!

Yee Hou being the begger of the night at the registration counter. Damn hilarious!

Us the girls getting hyped up. Alright I know you guys noticed me slowly evolving into a tomato. -.-"

Us with my favorite blogger KennySia! I've so wanted to meet him since I joined NN. Oh ya, he attended as Susan Boyle.. LOL.

Seriously I love these girls to bits!

Elaine, Elaynne...... haha. I'm really glad you're there with me girl. :)

Me and Raine.. Ok la from here onwards I'm really starting to get out of hand.. oopz!

Cheekonic and me. That's the nickname we gave nic. Red Underwear.. -.-" good one nic. Scared us shitless.

And that's me with the potential playboy who can sell ANYTHING if he sold Vacumn Cleaners. Quoted by Ming. Lmao.

And this is the final picture taken after the party itself. :) We went for supper after that. I don't even want to speak of what happened there. Oopz! We seriously had fun over there and the bonding with the MY nuffies went really really well. I love the MY nuffies so much! If you wanna have fun while working, Nuffnang is definitely the way to go. :)
P/S: We will be having a flash mob at The Heeren this saturday at 5pm. More details at http://www.nuffnang.com.sg/up4pjs. Come join us in your PJs! See ya there!
Chor Lor-ed @ 3:44 PM