April 24, 2009
Good news and real bad news people............................Good news first!
I have a new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok la.. actually this happened like almost 2 weeks ago. I'm only blogging about it now cos i just feel like blogging now. LOL. But anyhoos, for those of you who haven't already know, I'm working in Nuffnang!! Today is my second week in the office and so far I'm lovin' it. I mean.. this is what I've been looking for! What the hell is Ameron man.. It's almost like a company full of robots and rules and shits like that.
So now I'm the Advertising Account Executive for Nuffnang. Basically I source for advertisers to advertise on blogs. Most importantly I work for a coool boss and have the coolest people as my colleagues. I mean how often can you work in a office where the management allows you to blast your music as loud as you like? But most of the time it's my boss blasting the music la. Nice music la, Coldplay, Jason Mraz, Jay Chou.... (all my faves!!!!) And thus, I'm so prepared to learn everything I can here as well as to contribute whatever whenever I can.
Ok la as you can see, I'm happy. And I think I'm like damn freaking lucky to be able to find a job that I like at this time during the global crisis. Many would have held on to their current job but I don't believe that I can do well if I don't love what I'm doing at all. So I'm freaking grateful for this opportunity. =) Sneak peek of our cosy office below.
This is where I sit now. In a meeting room. Hehe. And yes, that chio red Vaio is MINE.
So this is the little pantry we have. Sometimes I feel like I'm at home instead of the office. -.-" Cosy huh? hehe. K la enough pics. If my boss sees this maybe he'll like do his karate punch on me again cos I posted pics of the office. -.-" ok i'm being lame. =)Bad news now........ =(
My uncle is very sick in the hospital. Very sick as in real sick as in you know wat I mean. I don't want to talk about the unavoidable because it's real depressing. I'm afraid to visit him in hospital when he's awake cos I'm scared that I'll cry in front of him and... you know. So I just visit him when he's sleeping and even so, I cried. So I really cannot believe what's gonna happen if he's awake and all. I don't want him to see me like that as well cos he does not know how serious his condition is.
I just hate things like that. I know that it's part and parcel of life but it's just super demoralising. We were born, studied like crazy, worked like crazy and this is wat we or rather everybody will get in the end. So that is why we should live our life the fullest so if anything like that happens, we won't have regrets.
My uncle is a real nice guy just that he's a very quiet guy. I remember times when I was young that he will carry me and play with me. But of cos that have not happened in the recent years cos apparently I've grown up. I remember him drinking and smoking so much that he can end up so freaking drunk. I think that's what led to what it is today. Only if he didn't do this, only if he didn't do that... If there's really Only Ifs in this world, the world won't have any regrets anymore right?
I can only wish that everything is as painless for him as possible. He's suffered enough and if it's really time that he should go, I hope it's quiet and painless...
p/s: My boss is a Man U fan. =(
Chor Lor-ed @ 4:49 PM
April 10, 2009
If you guys see me online and facebook active more often these days it's simply because I have nothing else much to do.I'm bored to death!!Anyhoos, I was reading the papers today and came across an article regarding this tussle between this Vietnamese girl's husband-to-be and her family. Woah. It's one hell of a tussle and I'm glad that this girl who'd just came out of her coma after a car accident is finally freed from it. I think that it's just right that her mum brought her back to Vietnam to continue treatment.To her ex husband-to-be:1) If you love her, you wouldn't curse her and hope that she dies early no matter how hurt you are by her family's decision.2) If you love her, you wouldn't demand $30,000 compensation from her family if they decided to bring her back to Vietnam.3) If you love her, you wouldn't hide from everyone the fact that you are STILL legally considered married to another woman.4) Quote: "If I find one (new Vietnamese bride), I'll make her stay home, do housework, be a housewife and not mix with people", Unquote. To this I think you're being utterly selfish and sick. You need help.I know it's easy for me to say he shouldn't do this, he shouldn't do that because I'm not in his shoes but everyone is entitled to having an opinion or two. But seriously, he needs help. -.-"P/S: This is totally random post. Bleah.
Chor Lor-ed @ 8:30 PM